Insurance rates are crazy

Just listened to a podcast from, that included a segment on insurance rates.

“Avg” car INSURANCE is now $212/MONTH.

I pay $29.33.

“26% increase this year = biggest in 50 yrs”.

I have an older car, but what does a new one do that makes it worth an additional $2100+/yr to insure? Hope you’re below avg in that regard. I’ll keep driving my 10-year-old Camry with its mid-80K miles. Oh, my car payment is $0, btw.

Curious to hear what you pay.

Avg homeowners insurance is $1700, up 46% since pre-covid. That’s a lotta percentage.

I pay $1100, which was closer to avg that I expected, given home prices in places like NY, CA, etc. They told me I’m at recommended, which is double average. I feel better already. ???

Because of the sue-crazy world we live in, I carry an UMBRELLA policy that is not as expensive as you might think.

BUT….the foundation work we’re having done is NOT covered…..unless I can “prove a specific event” that caused that problem.

Insurance companies know how to play the numbers.

Local Halloween 2022

This year we started w/580 pieces of candy. I left a couple minutes before Joan had to make a mad dash for the door (and porch light switch) when she was suddenly down to 6 pieces with another large group approaching. Still…. 1.5hrs was all we could do and there was another hour to go.

Again this year, most were nice, polite and respectful. There were some flashing police lights up the street (one of the pics) — don’t know what that was yet.

Appreciate the police patrolling. Neighbor had a politician helping to hand out candy (esp when voting parents were there).

There were less than a handful of ms girls showing way too much skin…..

Saw groups of bandsters, church families and kids, band families and kids, home group kids…. it was a fun night. I will make comments on some of the pics.

Notice the blue haired “Things” I thought there were six. Neighbor says 9, including one not yet born.
Another shot of the “Things”
Cars come into our neighborhood to unload — and that is okay.
Police kept a watch. I missed the shot of the “Animal Control” car.
Police lights up the street. No clue why.
Up one side – down the other. They came up with that themselves.

Pelosi questions

This is not about violence. I hope Paul Pelosi makes a quick and complete recovery. As I read more about it, I have some questions. Real questions. Because the simple story doesn’t make sense (to me)…. i.e. that someone broke into the house and attacked PP with a hammer.

Nancy P is 3rd in line for presidency and this is one super-rich couple. Nancy wasn’t there, but where was the security? Security cameras? The police “knocked” at the door. WHO let them in? The police said they watched the attack…. WHAT? The guy waited for the police to attack? That sounds suicidal. Body cams? There would have been body cams, right? That should show who let them in, should have recorded the “Where’s Nancy” question. When/Why did Paul P describe this guy as a “friend” who needed a wellness check (earlier)?? Oh, and they found the guy in his underwear…. Did he arrive that way or was he dressed? When/how did he lose his clothes?  Glass on back door was knocked outward. How did he break in that way? Was the security cameras turned off? All of them?

Why were they both in their underwear? Was this a domestic dispute? Was the Secret Service there? Or some other kind of security? House servants? Anybody got good answers?


When I was a kid (previous century), Mom would sit on the porch handing out candy while her five children would go “Trick or Treat” -ing. I never knew what the “trick” part was. As I got older, I learned it was something like soaping the car windows, except everybody gave the treat and that was never necessary. Now, it means something totally different. Girls (especially) — don’t say that. Actually, most kids I hear say it as a single word where they have no idea what they are saying — they just know it gets them candy.

We had boundaries, but generally could do the 13 houses on our street, then both sides (except for the stretch of train tracks) over for 2 blocks, down a block and both sides back. Most houses had their porch lights on. We could come home when we were tired, when our bags were full or too heavy, when people started running out of treats or when the street lights came on.

We would get packaged candies….but also apples (caramel or not), popcorn balls in a baggie, Home-made brownies, pennies…..

No one felt unsafe. Our candy didn’t need to be checked when we got home and, except for preventing us from eating it all at once, there weren’t restrictions.

Times have changed.

Now, parents (should, and most do) escort their children to the relatively few houses with porch lights on. Many arrive to our neighborhood by car/van. I’m okay with that — especially for families in the county who have no close neighbors. Less happy with the parents who are just too lazy to walk with their kids and literally drive house to house and blocking the street when they stop.

Most of the children coming to our house are polite, respectful, patient and appreciative. Last year we experienced lines of people that extended to the neighbor houses on both sides. We usually distribute our 500 pieces in about an hour. Parents either watch from the sidewalk or help their children negotiate our steps. (Thank you).

But THIS YEAR, you must be especially vigilent with reports of drugs disguised as Halloween candies — with the purpose of addicting our children, but, too often – killing them.

I’ve heard two podcasters advising parents to accompany children to canvas the neighborhood and then trash whatever candies are taken in…. That makes me sad because we’ve spent a lot on candy. You can’t even think of giving away homemade items anymore…..or can you?

Times have changed.

Protect the children – but let them have fun as best you can.

ps – post/attach costume pics

Never block a fire truck

Followup to a post I made a few days ago about whether a fire truck could get through my narrow 1-way street with utility and other vehicles parked on both sides. That prompted a conversation about blocking fire trucks and THAT went to this pic (scene from the movie Backdraft) and what my Fire Chief dad said he would di if he encountered a car parked like this. And THAT led to a story of what happened when my sister’s h/s had a fire alarm go off and someone had chain locked the main drive iron-works gate to prevent speeders from disturbing on the school’s long driveway during classes.